What if?


I positively proved that the Robert F Kennedy mastoid bullet – the fatal bullet (Item# 24) & its very small fragment (Item# 25) is in fact fraudulent




And shockingly, the substituted - the FAKE Item # 26 and Item # 27 were actually  received in evidence as the fatal bullet & fragment at the Sirhan trial !!!!!!!!!!


I previously wrote of this fraudulent death bullet in my earlier report  “Last Bullet Not Standing” and not surprisingly  – the Secret Service did not come knocking at my door with questions about a FAKE Kennedy death bullet being received in evidence at the Sirhan trial.


I repeat, I presented positive proof that the Kennedy death bullet is a fake in my “Last Bullet Not Standing” Report - so why does this shocking story go ignored?


I thank God for the miracle of the Internet where everyone can see what a bill of goods we were given.  What a pack of lies the Robert F. Kennedy/Sirhan evidence really is.


And my own government turns a blind eye.


And not to forget, I testified at the Jamie Scott Enyart trial about the switching of the Item numbers for the fatal bullet from (Item #24 & fragment Item # 25 to the phantom, non- existent Item # 26 & Item # 27). But that was not the end of that ruse.


Unbelievably, Item # 24 and Item # 25 were ALSO at the very same time assigned in ANOTHER  LAPD Property Report to the George Ross Clayton photographs (Item # 24) and  negatives (Item # 25)  - ( the negatives were reported stolen while the courier was in the very process of delivering them to the Jamie Scot Enyart court !!!!!!!!)


In other words, Item # 24 and Item # 25 were BOTH the fatal Kennedy bullet & fragment AND ALSO the George Ross Clayton photographs (Item # 24) and negatives (Item # 25)! Later to be palmed off as the missing Jamie Scott Enyart photographs and negatives.


I remind the Reader that the identification for the fatal Kennedy bullet was Item #24 & Item # 25  and they were switched to the fake  ID Item # 26 & Item # 27. And keep in mind that at the Sirhan trial the fatal bullet & fragment were falsely received in evidence as Item # 26 & Item # 27.


One more thing, the fake Item #26 & Item # 27 which was received in evidence became Peo. 48. at the Sirhan trial.  (Peo. 49 was a blow-up photograph of the largest piece of the fatal bullet )


I repeat – it was the fake Item # 26 & Item # 27 that was received in evidence as the fatal bullet & fragment at the Sirhan trial!


And how easy it was to first alter the Item numbers for the fatal bullet & fragment – and then enter the phantom - the fake Item number into evidence as the fatal bullet & fragment at the Sirhan trial.


In other words, this was an exquisitely thought out plan that was carried out with effortless ease. Who in their right mind would suspect such a monumental fraud ?


The perpetrators who pulled this off thought they will never be caught (this was a big time  professional operation) - but at least we have proof  of what SUS did.


And one more thing – remember the fatal bullet was immediately taken by FBI agent Rhead Richards to the FBI Lab (Washington, D.C.). What guarantee is there that upon its return to LAPD Crime Lab (I believe on the thirteenth) that it was not switched out to this fake Item # 26 & Item # 27? Because the fake Item # 26 & Item # 27 were received in evidence at the Sirhan trial.


After all those stumble bums at SUS positively DID switch the Kennedy neck bullet (Peo. 47) and the Goldstein bullet (Peo. 52) in 1975 to trick the examiners.


I wouldn’t trust those creeps as far as I could throw them.


Then there is this to consider. The Kennedy neck bullet (Peo. 47) and the Goldstein bullet (Peo. 52) were proven to be substituted bullets in 1975 during the Judge Wenke court ordered re-examination of Sirhan ballistics.


However there is this one major difference – the substituted fatal Kennedy bullet & fragment  (Item # 24 & Item # 25) were NOT entered into evidence at the Sirhan trial!


Instead, the fake Item # 26 & Item # 27 were in fact received in evidence. That is a proven fact.(Sirhan Trial Transcript page  4130)


I repeat, instead of the correct fatal Kennedy bullet & fragment (Item # 24 & Item # 25) being received in evidence at the Sirhan trial it was the fake – the phantom Item # 26 & Item # 27 that was received in evidence at the trial.


Doesn’t  that AUTOMATICALLY  set aside the verdict?  We clearly see the absolute proof of fraudulent bullets that were KNOWINGLY  submitted and received in evidence at the trial. (I can’t say it enough)


No, I am not standing on a soap box – this is just such an outrageous abuse of power – it should scare the living hell out of anyone with half an ounce of brains.


To that I say


God help the accused if this is what our courts can do to us.


Rose Lynn Mangan                    April 17, 2016