Plain Talk Eight

                                 What If?  


(This section is for the seasoned  Robert F. Kennedy assassination researcher)


What if no murder weapon was actually recovered from the pantry  crime scene of the Ambassador Hotel?


What if no crime scene shell casings were recovered?


What if the assassin took the murder weapon with him after he shot RFK?


What if Sirhan really was a diversion - a patsy?


The above questions arise from many years of research into the numerous evidentiary problems in the Sirhan case. The above questions should  not  be construed as being  fact-based conclusions.  They are  not, however, to me they make a great deal of sense.


But that’s all in the past. Let us slow-forward to Sirhan’s newest  appeal to the court for judicial review of some truly questionable evidence in his case. This time around, Sirhan has standing next to him a sophisticated barrister in a better fitting suit (and I’ve heard he is no dummy). Which  will probably mean  Sirhan’s case will get more press time.


It is not  so much a question of when  the appellate court will respond to  Sirhan’s  never-ending appeals but rather a question of what the courts actually can  do at this stage?


The fact is, you cannot restore the evidence to its 1968 condition.  Too much time has passed and  most of the evidence is, without the slightest doubt,  in a far too degraded condition. However, that is not to say all of the evidence is valueless.


Speaking as a lay person one of the greatest  challenges I see in fighting a case is the enormous power of the press and the tremendous  influence they wield . To be sure newsmen  are a  smart and hard -working breed,  but they  are also  under enormous pressure  to get their story out in the shortest time possible.  Realistically, today is the world of sound bite - we can no longer afford the luxury  of the  necessary time it takes  to get the story straight.


I’ll bet Azdak (Brecht’s very wise judge) would make short work of this mess. First he would put the “Statute Book” on his chair and sit on it. Then he was ready to hear the case. (that wily Brecht  couldn‘t resist mocking the ancients for using a medicine book for a pillow to cure a headache)  Then he had Azdak administering Solomon-like law in double -quick time.  I wonder how he would rule on Sirhan’s appeal?


Rose Lynn Mangan, 1-22-2012