Plain Talk  Twelve Addendum


Click here for all exhibits  - also see Plain Talk Twelve exhibits


Follow Officer Calkins  (in search of his bogus evidence envelope)


I  here  present irrefutable evidence which I relied on to reject the validity of the Los Angeles  Police Department Property Report containing the Iver Johnson revolver serial number H53725 which was  filled out and signed by Officer Calkins on 6-5-68.  In plain English this  LAPD Property Report is a bold fake.


This segment is for advanced researchers only


 I would like to  present additional documents in support of the serious  charge  I made on page one of my Plain Talk Twelve segment wherein I wrote: “ I have published a number of reports which revealed the Sirhan gun serial number was absent in the earliest official documents.”.


I based that extraordinary charge on the numerous documents and records in which the serial number for the alleged Sirhan gun is in fact missing. But the strongest argument  in support of my writing: “...the Sirhan gun serial number was absent in the earliest official documents.”  is of course the bogus  Officer Calkins Evidence Envelope (which does not contain the serial number of the gun)  and the equally bogus Los Angeles Police Department Property Report filled out by Officer Calkins  (both filled out on 6-5-68.)


What was  the source Officer Calkins relied on when he wrote the serial number of gun H53725 in the LAPD Property Report he filled out 6-5-68???


The smoking gun  (Officer Calkins’ Evidence Envelope)


Since Calkins’ own Evidence Envelope did NOT contain the serial number of the gun he received from Rafer Johnson -  then what was the  specific source Officer Calkins used at the time he filled out  the LAPD Property Report  in which he did include the serial number for the gun??  (this tangled, twisted story actually did occur)


Shortly after receiving the pantry scene gun from Rafer Johnson , Officer Calkins filled out an LAPD Evidence Envelope which should have but did not contain the serial  number of the gun.


Then - that very  same Evidence Envelope filled out by Officer Calkins vanished from all of  the records only to turn up in 1975 in Patrick Garland’s Official Evidence Inventory with - guess what?? NO SERIAL NUMBER !!!


on going AWOL


Officer Calkins Evidence Envelope could go AWOL and nobody would be the wiser- but not so with the LAPD Property Report. If that were to go missing it would raise a red flag and you would hear loud drums  beating until it was located. Because you can’t go to court without it.


Surprise, surprise !!!


Then, something totally unexpected happened. Judge  Robert Wenke granted CBS and others’  request to re-examine the Sirhan evidence in 1975,  Now who in their wildest dreams could have predicted such a thing?  After much gnashing of  teeth and hand-wringing  - in  total desperation  the Officer Calkins’  Evidence  Envelope rose from the dead like Lazarus. And it came to life in Patrick Garland’s Evidence Inventory as naked as a Jaybird - without the serial number of the gun  appearing on it  Who was going to notice  such a little thing? And if anyone did - no one would do anything about it


But there is more good stuff


How to explain the performance of D.D.A. John Howard before the Grand Jury in which Howard  did NOT read the serial number of the pantry scene gun into the record!!!  This is seen in LACGJ transcript, page 98, lines 22-24:


“Mr. Howard: With the Foreman’s permission, may we mark and envelope and content, the revolver, as Grand Jury Exhibit 7?”  Just what was Howard up to? 


Criminalist William Harper’s loud accusations was causing a ripple effect


The Trapp/Howard memorandum is perhaps one of the most damaging documents.  In 1972  D.D.A. Sidney Trapp, Jr.  writes to D.D.A. Howard : “No exhibit  (sic)7 appeared within the envelope.”  Trapp’s description should correctly read Grand Jury 7 and not “exhibit 7” (the identification for trial evidence is  designated Special Exhibit number.....while the  identification for Grand Jury evidence is designated Grand Jury number.....)


What Trapp is talking about is  none other than  the smoking gun - Officer Calkins’ LAPD Evidence Envelope  which miraculously rose from the dead  three years later in the Garland Evidence Inventory.


It will be remembered LAPD Officer Calkins took possession of the pantry scene gun from Rafer Johnson almost two hours after the shooting in the Ambassador Hotel pantry. 

He then filled out the LAPD Evidence Envelope dated 6-5-68 WITHOUT recording the serial number for the gun!!!

On the very same day - the 5th-  we see Officer Calkins filled out Official LAPD Property Report with the serial number !!!:


“No. 11   Gun, Revolver Iver Johnson “Cadet” B/S 2 1/2” BBL  8 shot  cal. .22,  serial number H53725”


From then on there is a  stony silence in the records for the gun’s serial number, e.g. Wolfer’s log;  Los Angeles County Grand Jury transcript;  Face pages of Judge Wenke Court Orders # 1 and  #2 and Patrick Garland’s 1975 Evidence Inventory for Peo. Ex. 6

(see Plain Talk Twelve exhibits)


The only identifying document for the gun in CSA is the trial tag -Peo. Ex 6. That is it - nothing else.


What possibly could have happened to Calkins’  Evidence Envelope after its Grand Jury debut?


Now I ask as a researcher - not a lawyer - just what was D.D.A. Howard saying on lines 22-24  with  these words: “ With the Foreman’s permission, may we mark and envelope and content, the revolver, as Grand Jury Exhibit 7?”   Bear in mind Howard failed to read into the Grand Jury record the serial number of the very gun he was holding in his hands.


To that I say lumps of coal in the Christmas stockings of defense and  prosecution



Rose lynn Mangan    June 5, 2012