Goodbye Justice – 3


(click here for exhibits)  (click here for more exhibits)



This Report will address serious omissions and criminal tampering of official evidence records. These things occurred in California State Archives official Records Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence.


I make the charge that the serial number of the Sirhan gun that was first recorded in the LAPD Property Report on 6-5-68  under Item # 11 was deleted from Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence. I repeat, the serial number of the alleged Sirhan gun under Item # 11 was deleted from Appendix A:    ..


I make the charge that the torn gun label recorded in Item # 71 in the LAPD Property Report on 6-6-68 was deleted from  Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence.


 I make the charge that GJ5B evidence envelope with its contents was not recorded in Appendix A:  List of Physical Evidence. 


I make the charge that Peo. 55  evidence envelope with its contents was not recorded in Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence.


A major contradiction exists


How to explain both GJ5B evidence envelope with its contents and Peo. 55 evidence envelope with  its contents physically exist in the CSA Robert F’ Kennedy Evidence  Collection. But  they do not exist in the CSA Official Record Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence?


This is too unbelievable – therefore I repeat


In other words GJ5B and Peo. 55 were deleted  from  Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence in the Robert F. Kennedy Records Collection at the California State Archives. But strangely both GJ5B and Peo. 55 are included in the CSA Robert F. Kennedy evidence collection. How can that be?


What is Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence? It is an almost faithful copy that lists all of the 155 Items of evidence that was recorded in the LAPD Property Reports.


(I wonder why the forms used for Appendix A: … were not official legal forms with a pre-printed Form number/ Rev. date at the lower left of each page.  That would provide an examiner with time line information when Appendix A …was written.


Upon close examination we see the serial number of Item # 11 (the alleged Sirhan gun)  that was recorded in the LAPD Property Report dated 6-5-68 was deleted from Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence !


The other equally serious deletion of evidence in Appendix A: is the torn gun label in Item # 71. The contents in the cellophane bag was recorded by  Pasadena Police Officer Thomas Young #8520  under Item # 71 in the LAPD Property Report.


What is the reason that …


Both the torn gun label recorded in Item # 71 and the gun’s serial number recorded in Item # 11 in the official LAPD Property Reports – both were  DELETED from Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence!!!!!!!


My son Brad McQueary never misses an opportunity to lob question after question at me  - almost to the point of exasperation.


It was a good thing this time I was ready - right in the middle of my telling him about Appendix A’s omissions Brad asked  “Who wrote it?”


How should I know?


 Brad is too smart to ask dumb questions. So I decided to look a little deeper and this what I discovered:


Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence lists all of the 155 Items of evidence in the LAPD Property Reports. Why the deletions?


And as for Brad’s question about Appendix A: “Who wrote it?” We will never know, but his query raises a bigger question:  What was the reason to delete the serial number of the gun and also delete the torn gun label from Appendix A: …? This was no accident.


Looking back


I would like to once again express my great respect for those Los Angeles Police Department Officers who secretly reported to criminalist William Harper that the Robert F. Kennedy evidence was tampered with while under the control of Special Unit Senator

(and not under the control of the Los Angeles Police Department.)


It is not generally known that SUS took complete control of the Robert F. Kennedy assassination investigation out of the hands of the LAPD. My Reports cover most of  SUS’ bad acts and it is not right that LAPD is blamed for SUS’ criminal conduct.


My research is not intended to suggest LAPD was part of Special Unit Senator – it was a take-over.


And not to forget Harper passed along those inside LAPD leaks to me.


Here is what I found in the official records:


Notice the George Ross Clayton Item # 24 and Item # 25  follows Item # 23. That is patently false as we see from the LAPD Property Report that originally  attributed Item # 24 and Item # 25 to the largest fatal RFK bullet fragment and the small fragment.


We know the original LAPD Property Report  first recorded the RFK bullets and not the George Ross Clayton photographs and negative as Item # 24 and Item # 25 because someone wrote over the original numbers with a darker ink and renumbered Item # 24 to Item # 26 and renumbered Item # 25 to now read Item # 27. 


In plain English some big time doctoring of the evidence went on.


In addition the official ID Evidence Tag  for the hospital specimen jar  that contained the fatal bullet, additional bullet fragments, gauze pad  and bone fragments – that ID  Evidence Tag was also altered (from Item # 24 to Item # 26 and from Item # 25 to Item # 27)


This leaves no doubt that the false dual numbering of the George Ross Clayton photographs and the canister containing a negative was no accident.


The records are very explicit –  Item # 26 and Item # 27 are non-existent fraudulently created numbers.


It is unheard of to alter the ID marking on an item of evidence. It is simply NEVER done. But as we see this very violation was done to the Evidence tag and the original LAPD Property Report. for Item # 24 and Item # 25


The proof of  the changing of the Item numbers


The photographs of these illegal alterations were taken for me by criminalist Alan Gilmore and appear on this web site. Without these critically important photographs no one would know of this monumental fraud. That is a true fact.


Next take a look at Item # 71 in Appendix A:… and you will plainly see “Plastic bag with envelope from Argonaut Insurance Co.” and in the Comments column we see “Trial – People’s Exhibit # 75”


That is patently FALSE.  And I shall tell you why.


It will be remembered Pasadena Police Officer Thomas Young found the little torn gun box label  on 6-6-68 with the gun ID number “ H53725”  along with the Argonaut Insurance envelope and several pieces of small note paper containing a grocery list on the top of the rubbish barrel in the Sirhan  back yard This is OFFICIALLY recorded in  the  original LAPD Property Report under Item # 71. (see this LAPD Property Report in above exhibits)


Additionally, it will be remembered, Item # 71 was also incorrectly attributed to be a photo of Shirin Khan. At first, this appeared to be another case of dual identity.


We clearly see  SUS went to great lengths to blot out  the UNWANTED torn gun label from its records including Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence.


On many occasions William Harper spoke to me of the immense importance of the torn gun label.


If not for Harper’s friendly and close contacts with the Pasadena Police Department Officers he would not have known how important that torn gun label actually was (Harper assisted in establishing Pasadena’s first Crime Lab,  and therefore came to know and remain on friendly terms with most of the officers – and they kept him informed  about what was going on)


Notice Item # 11 in Appendix A: … it is listed as “.22 Iver Johnson  revolver …..Trial – People’s Exhibit #6”


Once again, NO GUN NUMBER is recorded for the gun.


Now look at this


You  will not see any mention of People’s Exhibit 55 or GJ5B in Appendix A:  List of Physical Evidence.


Then - how does one explain the fact that GJ5B and Peo. 55  actually exist in the California State Archives RFK  evidence collection?




The omission of  Peo. 55, GJ5B, the gun number and the torn gun label in Item # 71 from Appendix A  tells us there was an active effort to block their present or future examination. And so, these unwanted little buggers quietly fell through the cracks.


These are not innocent omissions, it is a most serious fraud that was meant to deceive – to bury and to hide unwanted evidence.


I searched and searched through SUS records to learn where GJ5B envelope and  Peo. 55 envelope were stored BEFORE each envelope was admitted into evidence (GJ5B) at the Grand Jury and (Peo. 55) at the Sirhan trial.


I have no idea where they were kept. There is no documentation - no record of where or why these two envelopes were never formally recorded anywhere in any of the records  before they were admitted into evidence in court. (for sure they were AWOL - two missing days for GJ5B – the day of GJ5B test 6-5-68 and the day GJ5B was received in evidence with the Grand Jury)


It was even more egregious with Peo. 55. gun # H18602 (written on Peo. 55 envelope) It was test fired for comparison test bullets on 6-5/6- 68 and fired for gun powder distance tests on 6-11-68.


From 6-11-68 until the last week in February, 1969 when Peo. 55 was received in evidence at the Sirhan trial there is NO record of where Evidence Envelope Peo. 55 and its contents was kept – stored – call it what you will


There can be no possible justification for not recording the serial number of the alleged  Sirhan gun, the torn gun label in Item # 71, GJ5B and Peo. 55 in the official Appendix A: List of Physical Evidence.


Rose Lynn Mangan                         July 5, 2016