California State Archives Visit - for close-up photographs - April 2014


click here for exhibit 1

click here for exhibit 2

click here for exhibit 3

click here for exhibit 4

click here for Peo.-21



Last month, March 20th, my son Bradley Dean McQueary accompanied me on my final visit to the CSA to examine and take close-up photographs of the bases of the eight spent shell casings in Peo. 21 evidence envelope (formerly identified as GJ7A) and also the bases of the two spent shell casings in Peo. 55 evidence envelope. It will be remembered, these two shell casings had been removed from Peo. 55 envelope prior to Officer Wolfer’s testimony in the Sirhan trial in which he described the contents of Peo. 55 - three test bullets for comparison purposes - no mention of the two missing shell casings.


What did the bases of the examiners’ shell casings look like?


I would like to have photographed the bases of the examiners’ test shell casings from their firing gun #H-53725, to compare with Peo. 21 shell casings and especially with Peo. 55 shell casings due of course to the fact that the LAPD gun number H -18602 was written on that evidence envelope. And also to compare the examiners’ shell casings with Q25 photograph. In other words, I’d like to have compared and photographed ALL of the shell casings in the Sirhan case. (yes, that includes the Druly test casings)


But that was not to be since the examiners’ test shell casings from their firing of gun # H53725 have vanished. I previously wrote of the disappearance of the ‘75 test shell casings - but so far no inquiries - no interest - no investigation. A dead silence in the mainstream media continues to fall on the numerous discoveries of fraudulent evidence in the Sirhan case. (see Plain Talk Five exhibits))


In light of the fact that Peo. 55 evidence envelope recorded an LAPD owned gun number (#H-18602) Wouldn’t the examiners have wanted to compare their own test fired shell casings from the gun they used (H-53725) with the shell casings in Peo. 55 envelope bearing the LAPD owned gun number (H-18602) ?


Then of course there is the matter of the Officer Druly test bullets and shell casings from his test firing the Jake Williams/LAPD gun # H18602 in March 1967. These test firings should certainly have been delivered to the examiners in 1975 for comparison purposes. But that didn’t happen.


Q25 photograph is a sleeper fraud


This photograph depicts the pin strike marking on the base of a shell casing which was removed from the crime scene gun, # H- 53725 on 6-5-68. It DOES NOT MATCH the pin strike markings appearing on the eight spent shell casings in Peo. 21 nor with the two casings in Peo. 55 - either by personal observation of the shell casings or by comparing photographs. I would not make such a serious charge unless I was positively 100% certain.


Let us take a look at the envelope- again


Careful examination of GJ7A evidence envelope containing the alleged crime scene shell casings reveals there is no written information concerning the gun number, make, model,or cal. from which these shell casings were removed. No Officer name, no badge number - why wasn’t that required /standard information included? And finally - the shell casings were not marked for id purposes (see LAPD Property for Item #12). What we do see is Sirhan’s DR number 68-521466; 8 22 cal brass spent cartridges; 6-5-68; the initials MRM and JW - all written in the tell -tale RED INK. And near the top left “7A” is written in black ink by a person with the Grand Jury Court.


the red pen


I strongly suspect the use of the red pen (on GJ7A envelope) was the means used to differentiate the substituted shell casings from the bona fides. I will say this, if Harper had seen this flim-flam “evidence” envelope with red writing and with no evidentiary information (save the DR number) he would scream bloody murder. (see exhibit)


More of the red pen


Didn’t we see the red pen was also used to fill out Peo. 55 evidence envelope containing three test bullets, (two missing shell casings) and bearing the LAPD gun’s serial number H-18602? This is no accident. (see exhibit)


New photographs


Clear photographs of the eight shell casings in Peo.21 envelope were taken by my son Brad on 3-20-14 at the California State Archives. Additionally, I have photographs of Peo. 21 and Q25 taken on my earlier visits to CSA


Neither Brad’s photographs nor my earlier photographs of the bases of the shell casings in Peo. 21 match the pin strike marking of the shell casing appearing in Q25


No id markings on the shell casings


Brad and I carefully examined Peo. 21 and Peo. 55 shell casings for any id engravings that might be present. None were observed.. And I found that strange because we know from Garland Evidence Inventory that Wolfer initialed the three test bullets in Peo. 55. And so I must ask - wouldn’t he also have engraved his initials on the two shell casings? Of course he would. We know the two shell casings do exist even though someone removed them from the envelope prior to Wolfer’s testimony at the trial. Because there they were, big as life, lying there on the California State Archives’ examining table - right in front of us !


(dear Reader, please do not get lost, I’m trying my best to keep that from happening but I can’t seem to control getting sarcastic about Peo. 55 shell casings - because of the gotcha moment. I refer to the swine who removed the two shell casings before trial - like some smart -ass who thinks he can do what he wants and get away with it)


A chance photograph


But for my chance photograph of Q25 taken on one of my earlier Archive visits- the switching of the eight “crime scene” shell casings in evidence envelope Peo. 21 would have gone undetected. And even then it would not have become known until I compared the pin strike mark depicted in Q25 photograph with the pin strike marks on Peo. 21 shell casings. One of the best close-up photographs of the pin strike marking in Q25 can be seen in my photograph (Q25), taken on that earlier Archive visit. ( included in above exhibits )


My question - how is it possible for ONE GUN to create TWO DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT pin strike marks (the shell casing in Q25 and Peo. 21shell casings)? The answer is simple - it is not possible. This tells me, without the slightest doubt, Peo. 21 shell casings were - at some point - substituted. And that two guns were involved.


The examination - here is what Brad and I observed:


There were NO observable id engravings on any of the spent shell casings (Peo. 21 and Peo. 55) All of the evidence bullets we examined showed marked oxidation Wolfer’s initials “DW” was still visible near the nose of Peo. 55 test bullet The base of Peo. 47 appeared to have a dark looking dried coating of an unknown substance on its base. No initials could be seen through this coating.


And that was it. Read Criminalist Lowell Bradford’s Examination Report in 1994 wherein he abruptly ended his examination of Peo. 47 when he observed a grease- like coating appearing on the bullets - and particularly - on the base of Peo. 47.


Still upset - like a stone in my shoe


Who was responsible for the Bullet Worksheets?


No matter how hard I try, I cannot get past the Bullet Worksheets used by the examiners. Why didn’t these worksheets provide a separate column for the examiner to record the id engravings - and locations - of each evidence bullet the examiner held in his hand? Who was responsible for this?


Of all the truly spectacular discoveries I made over the years in researching Sirhan records one of the most important was GJ5B evidence envelope. I wrote in detail about this in my “Robert F. Kennedy/Sirhan Evidence Report”, copyright date 1996 (see exhibit)




Since I’m feeling kinda maudlin I’m going to make a confession. I miss Harper more than words can express. And I am so sorry he did not live to see these many research discoveries. I owe it all to his trust in me, and that he shared the many inside LAPD leaks he was receiving. Yes, I miss that good, fine man.


In closing I want to add this thought - criminalist William Harper’s information about the existence of the secret Ten Volume SUS Report.proved to be extremely important in my research. That was the golden key that opened up the Magic Room where all manner of magic and wizzardry took place. (their magic was so powerful it could extinguish a man’s life right before your eyes).


Rose Lynn Mangan April, 2014